
Hey, I'm, Dilan 👋 I'm a Web developer from Australia in love with Full-stack Web Development. I'm a quick learner with a keen eye for detail. I have a good knowledge of full-stack technologies and I'm enthusiastic about building cloud and mobile based applications.
My passion for coding and curiousity in learning new technologies occupy most of my free time. If I'm not working or coding, I'm likely watching youtube (I'm an automatic and mechanical watch enthusiast) or reading articles on Medium.
Drink of choice? Black Tea or long black coffee.


The list below includes some of my projects. To see more, please visit my GitHub page.

  • Mountain Travel - A start up to help you plan your next mountain travel.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Warbler - Twitter clone where users can message built using React.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Yelp Camp - A website for camping enthusiasts to share camp sites across Australia.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Dad Jokes - Dad jokes app built with React using icanhazdadjoke api. Users are able to rank Jokes depend on the humor level. This application uses localStorage to save and retrieve jokes.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Data visualization with D3 Treemap - Data visualization of Kickstarter Pledges Data, Movie Sales Data and Video Game Sales data using a D3 Treemap.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Todos API - A single page todo list with Express, Mongo and jQuery.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Guess The Flag Game - A simple guessing game where user have to guess the correct country name of the flag displayed. Built with React.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Hangman Game - Simple word guessing game built using React.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Colorgame - A simple guessing color game. App displays rgb values to user. User picks the correct color for rgb values.

    (Git | Demo)

  • Find Matching Color Game - A simple color matching game. There are eight colors in the game. User needs to find the matching color box for a hidden color box. Unveil all the colors to win the game.

    (Git | Demo)